Resistance motive of Nikolaus Groß



To Pechel1 in prison: "What greater legacy can a father leave to his children than the conviction that he has given his life for the freedom and the dignity of his people."

On 19th July 1944 in Fulda to the spiritual adviser of the Catholic working class movement in the diocese of Paderborn, Caspar Schulte: "If we do not risk our lives today, how can we face up to God and our people one day in the future?"

From the manuscript of his "Glaubenslehre" 1943: "Professing by word and deed also means defending the faith against the enemy. It would be shameful to accept without protest that our faith is slandered."

"Wherever there is injustice we have to fight bravely for justice and truth, as Jesus Christ has taught us".

"(..) First we are called upon to obey God more than the human beings. If we are forced to act against God or against our faith, then we not only can, but must refuse to obey. For God``s law is always higher than man`s law."

From: "Nikolaus Groß, Arbeiterführer - Widerstandskämpfer - Glaubenszeuge, Wie sollen wir vor Gott und unserem Volk bestehen?" Details about this book more..., pages 240, 241

1) Rudolf Pechel had written some articles for the "Ketteler-Wacht". He belonged to a conservative resistance group.

